Kairos-Milwaukie United Church of Christ

Together is a good place to be!

The reflection by Rev. Jeanne Randall-Bodman presented on Sunday, March 3, 2024.

“…we can join our voices to the millions around the globe calling for ceasefire, return of hostages, and a just and lasting peace. We can speak and pray and act in the conviction that those bodies across the globe are just as precious as the bodies of the ones we love most; that each one is a unique and irreplaceable holy place, a home for God.”

Podcast 2024 03 03


To listen, use the player above or open in a new window.

Liberating Word:

  • Exodus 20: 1-17
  • John 2: 13-22


Our podcast theme music, "Listen!", was composed by KMUCC members Dave Parker and Kathy Walden (used with permission of the composers).