Kairos-Milwaukie United Church of Christ

Together is a good place to be!

The reflection by Rev. Jeanne Randall-Bodman presented on Sunday, September 24, 2023.

“We are left to wrestle with this goodness that asks us why we so often prefer vindication to rehabilitation. Why do we want to punish instead of restore? Why do we prefer prison cells and death sentences to hospitality and learning and renewal and compassion? This is a goodness that exposes our limited vision, our fear of scarcity and our fear of embracing the universal kinship God calls us to embrace… This is a goodness that dares us to do brave and risky things, to hold out for the hearts of those who belong to God. The hearts of all our enemies matter to God, just as our hearts do.”

Podcast September 24 2023


To listen, use the player above or open in a new window.

Liberating Word:

  • Jonah 3: 10 - 4: 11
  • Matthew 20: 1-16

Our podcast theme music, "Listen!", was composed by KMUCC members Dave Parker and Kathy Walden (used with permission of the composers).